Heartbreaking text message that forced woman to commit suicide

Millicent Kithinji, the 28-year-old lady who committed suicide on Friday received a heartbreaking message that pushed her to take her own life.

It is said the mother of one received a text message from her baby dad’s lover which broke her heart thus committing suicide.

She killed herself at her parent’s home in Gaturi Village in South Imenti, Meru County.

“I am pregnant for your husband [sic]; it is high time you accept that he moved on, and there is no possibility of him getting back together with you,” read the text message from Stacy, her husband’s lover, as quoted by eddaily.

It is alleged her husband went back to college after the couple faced a lot of challenges in their young marriage.

The husband, however, after graduating from a medical college in Nakuru, cut off communication with her and later engaged another woman only by the name Stacy.

Kithinji then took to her Facebook to share her suicide notes with her daughter and her dad before asking the two to forgive her for the decision she was taking.

“My love ….words are hard to form a perfect clause to express the love I have for you.i have fought the battle but seems like am being defeated ..I only pray that God may give you guidance, love and comfort. mom still loves you and will always love you.kindly do forgive me,” she posted while addressing her daughter.

It is her father who found her lifeless body.

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