May 31, 2023

    5 ways to overcome phone addiction

    It is not a rare sight to find people hanging out, or seeming to hang out together, yet each one…
    December 30, 2022

    WhatsApp to stop working on millions of phones

    WhatsApp is soon to stop working on millions of phones. People with older Iphone and android models will be unable…
    November 13, 2022

    Three benefits of dating a divorced man

    Dating sometimes happens to be hard for people are have undergone a divorce. On the other hand, dating a divorced…
    October 25, 2022

    Scientific reasons why mosquitoes don’t transmit HIV

    We are all aware that mosquitoes cannot transmit HIV in any way but do you know the reasons why it…
    July 2, 2020

    Things You Need To Make Money On The Internet

    Making money online has become something expected of the average human today. And that is because the world has become…
    June 12, 2020

    ABOUT TO WED? 4 Things you shouldn’t be afraid of

    The activities that come with a 21st century wedding have added a lot of pressures that make an average wedding…
    May 27, 2020

    Doctor And Nurse Wed In Hostpital Where They Work

    A doctor and nurse who had to cancel their wedding due to the coronavirus outbreak have got married at the…
    April 6, 2020

    Simple ways to trigger love through words

    It takes a lot of time to completely love someone. Love is never an overnight thing. There is the existence…


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