
Foods to avoid if you want to lose belly fat

Getting rid of belly fat can be an uphill task especially if you don’t know the right regimens.

You can exercise but your efforts may fail to bear fruit in the long run.

One of the reasons why most people don’t achieve the desired results is that they keep consuming foods that cause them to gain belly fat.

Here are some of the foods to avoid if you want to have a flat tummy.

1. Alcohol

Alcohol has a high calory content and therefore drinking your favourite beer regularly causes you to gain belly fat. Also, alcohol has no nutritional value hence even after a series of exercises, you’ll still gain fat in the abdominal region.

2. Processed meats

Processed meats have a lot of preservatives that are not only perilous in nature but also loaded with saturated fats.

The fats contained in the meat can contribute to weight gain. It is better to consume lean meat such as seafood and chicken or other proteins such as eggs and beans.

3. Cheese

Cheese contains long-form triglycerides which are believed to contribute to belly fat. If you can’t avoid incorporating cheese in your diet, it is advisable to consume natural cheese instead of the processed type.


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