Chinese man declares love for President Uhuru’s daughter, Ngina Kenyatta

A 28-year-old Chinese man has declared his love for President Uhuru Kenyatta’s daughter, Ngina Kenyatta.

Zhe Fang Liu, a photographer who is on a tour in the country claims that he is madly in love with the President’s daughter.

In an interview with Standard Digital, Liu claims that he loves Ngina for her altruistic nature.

Liu’s tour of Kenya ends in June and he is optimistic that he will get a chance to express his love for Ngina.

According to Standard Digital, Liu runs a photography agency in Los Angelos and China.

He has been living in the US since his parents immigrated there when he was on five years old.

Ngina is President Kenyatta’s second born and the only daughter. Her other siblings are Jomo (firstborn) and Jaba (last born).

Ngina is a role model for many Kenyan girls and women because of her simplicity and a heart of gold.

She holds a degree in International Relations and Politics.

The President’s daughter also runs the Kenyatta Foundation and is involved in various charity programs in the country.


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