Fatuma Gedi’s ‘passionate’ prayer as alleged creator of sex video is arrested

A young man reported to be working as a video editor for an online news site and alleged to have created the damning sex video allegedly of Wajir Women Rep Fatuma Gedi has been arrested by sleuths.

The arrest of Mr Baya comes amid an impassioned public debate on the authenticity of the video.

Fatuma Gedi’s prayer, as would be the prayer of any person caught up in her situation, is that the arrest will vindicate her claims that that video is the product of digital doctoring aimed at destroying her reputation.

As we speak, her reputation has suffered due to the video and the only way for her to correct that is by proving in a court of law that the video is fake.

That is her ardent prayer as failing to vindicate herself in a court of law will lead to even more damage to her reputation.

There are people like controversial blogger Robert Alai who commands a huge social media following, who hold the view that she is the one in the video.

As investigations into the video continue, the women rep will be on her knees, asking her God to redeem her reputation as a virtuous woman.

It is for her to prove them wrong.

Source: Hivisasa

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