Here’s when to give your boyfriend or girlfriend keys to your home

Giving a man or woman the keys to your house can be tricky. There are several things you expect from a partner before you can give those keys to the home. Never make a mistake of giving a woman/man the keys to your house if you have not proven beyond doubt that he or she is the best.

Here is when to give your boyfriend or girlfriend a key to your home;

1. When he/she proves he/she can be trusted

Trust is one of the essential attributes to take into account when it comes to dating. It is unreasonable to give a man or woman you cannot trust the keys of your house. Take your time to ensure that you have no trust issues before you provide him with access to your home.

2. When he/she is ready for commitment

A person who is not prepared to show promise is not worth your time. Never give such partner keys to your house. You can only give the man or woman keys to your apartment after you prove he/she wants to be committed.

3. When he/she is worth your standards

There are different expectations in a relationship. Partners must meet your criteria. You cannot afford to compromise with anything in the relationship.


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