Ilhan Omar Announces New Marriage, Months After Affair Claim

MINNEAPOLIS — U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota has announced her remarriage, just four months after her marriage fell apart following an allegation she was having an affair with her political consultant.

Omar posted the news of her new marriage on Instagram, with a photo that showed her and a bearded man smiling and displaying wedding rings. “Got married! From partners in politics to life partners, so blessed,” the post read.

Omar’s post didn’t identify the man and a spokesman didn’t immediately respond to messages.

Omar, a Minneapolis Democrat in her first term, was accused by Beth Mynett, a Washington, D.C., woman, of having an affair with her husband, Tim Mynett, who has worked as a political consultant for Omar. Beth Mynett made the accusation in a divorce filing in August. In his own filing, Tim Mynett denied his wife’s assertion that he told her he was in love with Omar and that he was ending his marriage for the congresswoman.

When Omar was asked at the time whether she was separated from her husband or dating someone, she told WCCO-TV, “No, I am not.” She has since declined to discuss her personal life.

In October, she filed for divorce from her husband Ahmed Hirsi, citing an “irretrievable breakdown” in the marriage. The divorce was finalized in November.

(Associated Press)

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