
Things your wedding planner will never tell you

Most people do wish to crown their marriages by a church wedding and party with friends and relatives. Most do not consider the expense as long as they are happy and ready to settle with each other and have sweet memories of the day later in life.

With the increase in weddings in recent times, wedding planners will never open up to you in the following areas;

1. They forgot something

Humans are not perfect and this could see your wedding planner forget something so important for your great day. Your wedding planner will try to fix out any crisis that can arise with professionalism and honesty.

2. They have a lot of weddings waiting for them

A good wedding planner will try the best he/she can to treat you as a priority even if she has many weddings waiting for her service. They will treat your emails, calls and texts with urgency and strive to make your day the best.

3. They might not be qualified as you think

A person will treat themselves with confidence to win you. A wedding planner will not brag about the years they have been on the industry especially if they are new. They will consult with their peers and colleagues to assist in making your day great.

4. Vendors have reduced the price

Most established wedding planners have close relationships with florists and other vendors who can get them discounts but they will never let you know that.

Source: Hivisasa

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