
Fatuma Gedi ‘reveals’ people behind sex video

Wajir Women Representative Fatuma Gedi has sensationally linked unnamed county officials to the unverified sex video that went viral last month.

Gedi claims that some officials at the Wajir County government could be behind the creation of the fake video.

The vocal women rep alleges that the officials created the video to tarnish her name for standing against corruption.

Gedi notes that a plot to tarnish her name was hatched immediately after she was elected to office.

“The plot to taint my name started a long time ago when I started exposing the rot in the county government,” she told journalists when she launched a free medical camp for persons living with disabilities in Wajir Town on Sunday.

Gedi said that some officials felt unhappy with her bold move to speak against corruption.

She, however, said that she will not be intimidated and vowed to expose the alleged rot.

The vocal women rep asked detectives to speed investigations and apprehend the masterminds who plotted to taint her image through the fake sex video.

The unverified sex video allegedly involving Gedi went viral on December 19 last year.

A suspect who had been arrested on allegations of creating the sex video has since been set free.

Detectives closed the investigation file against Douglas Baya, an editor with a local online publication for lack of evidence.

Sleuths from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) are, however, said to be hunting down a politician in Wajir who allegedly funded the creation of the fake sex video.


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