3 signs your man doesn’t believe in love

Dating someone who doesn’t believe in love is tough.

There are many things you will notice when you get into a wrong relationship.

Never ignore some of the red flags a man shows while in a relationship.

Here are three signs your man doesn’t believe in love:

1. He cheats

Does your man cheat on a regular basis?

A man who cheats doesn’t believe in love.

He takes everything for granted when it comes to matters of love.

He will break your heart on several occasions because he simply doesn’t care at all.

2. He is not ready for commitment

Commitment is among the most important aspects of any love affair.

If he shows no sign of being ready for commitment, then think first before making any critical step.

Never sit back and watch a man use and then dump you later.

A man who is a strong believer in love will prove his level of commitment as far as your relationship is concerned.

3. He is never sorry

Human beings are not perfect. We wrong each other in different ways.

A man who never says sorry even after hurting you is not in love.

Dating a man of this nature can be an uphill task in your life.

You should find someone loving and caring to keep the love affair strong.

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