Filthy man abandoned by wife, for pooping in bed

A 29 -year- old man has been abandoned by his wife for failing to bathe for several days.

The incident happened in Rioma in Kitutu Chache North, Kisii County. Locals said the man Dominic Michieka married his wife Rachael Kemunto 2 years ago.

“The couple lived together happily for 1 year before Mr. Michieka ventured into alcohol consumption something that has made him go for several days without bathing,” said a local Felix Obwoge.

Mr. Obwoge said the man’s wife tried to talk to family members to advise Michieka to stop drinking in vain.

“As days went by Michieka could put stool in bed. His wife could not tolerate, she packed all her belongings on Saturday and left to her parents’ home in Kiareni,” said Obwoge.

Ibrahim Mogendi a local chief said Kemunto has tried to put up with Michieka who has failed to change and bathe.

“He will be now without a wife since Kemunto left with their 8-months-old son until he amends his ways and starts bathing again,” said the chief.

According to Mogendi, a crackdown will be held in the area to ensure dirty men and women are forced to bathe in public.

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