3 unpredictable reasons that will get her to say no

Sometimes you strongly feel like you have cornered her. You got a nice house, looks, career and that favourite car.

But all of a sudden, she drops a ‘blockbuster’. It’s much unexpected and this might get you confused.

The following are three unpredictable reasons that might get her to say no:

1. She finds you scary

Sometimes things flow pleasantly with your crush, but trust me; you should be very careful with how you talk.

You might utter a word that she will find obnoxious. Such words might be vulgar, or you might just narrate a story that will make her find you scary.

2. Friends

One ‘wicked’ thing your crush might possess is her friends.

She might like you, but that is not final. Her friends must approve that you are the one.

Ladies are always entangled in social life. They are entwined with how other people will react to their choices.

3. Uncertainty

This is the real headache to the majority of ladies.

She might be into you but just not sure if you genuinely like her.

She will keep asking herself questions regarding her future.

What will happen after having sex with you? This puts her in a situation where she just decides to walk away.

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